§ 58-9-608. Recordkeeping.  

Latest version.
  • (1)
    (a) A funeral service establishment shall furnish to the person who delivers human remains to the establishment for cremation a receipt signed by a representative of the establishment and the person making the delivery, showing:
    (i) the date and time of the delivery;
    (ii) the type of casket or alternative container delivered;
    (iii) the name of the person from whom the human remains were received;
    (iv) the name of the funeral establishment or other entity with whom the person making the delivery is affiliated;
    (v) the name of the person who received the human remains on behalf of the funeral service establishment; and
    (vi) the name of the decedent.
    (b) The funeral service establishment shall keep a copy of the receipt in its permanent records for a period of seven years.
    (a) Upon release of cremated remains, a funeral service establishment shall furnish to the person who receives the cremated remains a receipt signed by a representative of the funeral service establishment and the person who receives the remains, showing:
    (i) the date and time of the release;
    (ii) the name of the person to whom the cremated remains were released; and
    (iii) if applicable:
    (A) the name of the funeral establishment, cemetery, or other entity with whom the person receiving the cremated remains is affiliated;
    (B) the name of the person who released the cremated remains on behalf of the funeral service establishment; and
    (C) the name of the decedent.
    (i) The receipt shall contain a representation from the person receiving the cremated remains confirming that the remains will not be used for any improper purpose.
    (ii) Upon release of the cremated remains, the person to whom the remains were released may transport them in any manner in the state, without a permit, and dispose of them in accordance with this chapter.
    (c) The funeral service establishment shall retain a copy of the receipt in its permanent records for a period of seven years.
    (a) The funeral service establishment shall maintain at its place of business a permanent record of each cremation that took place at its crematory.
    (b) The permanent record shall contain:
    (i) the name of the decedent;
    (ii) the date of cremation;
    (iii) the final disposition of the cremated remains; and
    (iv) any other document required by this chapter.
Enacted by Chapter 353, 2008 General Session