§ 58-9-609. Cremation containers.  

Latest version.
  • (1)
    (a) Except as provided in Subsection (2), a funeral service establishment may not make or enforce a rule requiring that human remains be:
    (i) placed in a casket before cremation; or
    (ii) cremated in a casket.
    (b) A funeral service establishment may not refuse to accept human remains for cremation because they are not in a casket.
    (a) Human remains must be delivered to a crematory in a casket or cremation container.
    (b) Human remains may not be removed from a casket or cremation container once delivered to the crematory, and the casket or cremation container shall be cremated with the human remains, unless:
    (i) the funeral service establishment has been provided with written instructions to the contrary by the authorizing agent; or
    (ii) the funeral service establishment does not accept metal caskets for cremation.
Enacted by Chapter 353, 2008 General Session