§ 59-1-1417. Burden of proof -- Statutory construction.  

Latest version.
  • (1) In a proceeding before the commission, the burden of proof is on the petitioner except for determining the following, in which the burden of proof is on the commission:
    (a) whether the petitioner committed fraud with intent to evade a tax, fee, or charge;
    (b) whether the petitioner is obligated as the transferee of property of the person that originally owes a liability or a preceding transferee, but not to show that the person that originally owes a liability is obligated for the liability; and
    (c) whether the petitioner is liable for an increase in a deficiency if the increase is asserted initially after a notice of deficiency is mailed in accordance with Section 59-1-1405 and a petition under Part 5, Petitions for Redetermination of Deficiencies, is filed, unless the increase in the deficiency is the result of a change or correction of federal taxable income:
    (i) required to be reported; and
    (ii) of which the commission has no notice at the time the commission mails the notice of deficiency.
    (2) Regardless of whether a taxpayer has paid or remitted a tax, fee, or charge, the commission or a court considering a case involving the tax, fee, or charge shall:
    (a) construe a statute imposing the tax, fee, or charge strictly in favor of the taxpayer; and
    (b) construe a statute providing an exemption from or credit against the tax, fee, or charge strictly against the taxpayer.
Amended by Chapter 424, 2012 General Session