§ 59-13-307. Supplier reports -- Signature required -- Penalties.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Each supplier shall file with the commission, on or before the last day of each month, a report on forms prescribed by the commission showing the amount of fuel delivered or removed during the preceding calendar month and any other information the commission may require to carry out the purposes of this part.
    (2) The report shall be signed by the supplier or a responsible representative. This signature need not be notarized, but when signed is considered to have been made under oath. The report shall be accompanied by a remittance payable to the commission for the amount of special fuel tax due.
    (3) A penalty is imposed under Section 59-1-401 upon each licensee and bonded supplier who fails to file any report as prescribed regardless of the imposition of other penalties under this part.
Amended by Chapter 9, 2001 General Session