Part 1. Department of Human Services Administration  

§ 62A-1-101. Short title.
§ 62A-1-102. Department of Human Services -- Creation.
§ 62A-1-104. Definitions. (Effective 5/13/2014)
§ 62A-1-105. Creation of boards, divisions, and offices.
§ 62A-1-106. Adjudicative proceedings.
§ 62A-1-107. Boards within department -- Members, appointment, terms, vacancies, chairperson, compensation, meetings, quorum.
§ 62A-1-107.5. Limitation on establishment of advisory bodies.
§ 62A-1-108. Executive director -- Appointment -- Compensation -- Qualifications -- Responsibilities.
§ 62A-1-108.5. Mental illness and intellectual disability examinations -- Responsibilities of the department.
§ 62A-1-109. Division directors -- Appointment -- Compensation -- Qualifications.
§ 62A-1-110. Executive director -- Jurisdiction over division and office directors -- Authority.
§ 62A-1-111. Department authority. (Effective 5/13/2014)
§ 62A-1-112. Participation in federal programs -- Federal grants -- Authority of executive director.
§ 62A-1-113. Department budget -- Reports from divisions.
§ 62A-1-114. Department is state agency for specified federal programs -- Development of state plans and programs.
§ 62A-1-115. Actions on behalf of department -- Party in interest.
§ 62A-1-117. Assignment of support -- Children in state custody.
§ 62A-1-118. Access to abuse and neglect information to screen employees and volunteers.
§ 62A-1-119. Respite Care Assistance Fund -- Use of money -- Restrictions -- Annual report.
§ 62A-1-120. Utah Marriage Commission. (Effective 5/13/2014)