§ 62A-11-302. Common-law and statutory remedies augmented by act -- Public policy.  

Latest version.
  •      The state of Utah, exercising its police and sovereign power, declares that the common-law and statutory remedies pertaining to family desertion and nonsupport of minor dependent children shall be augmented by this part, which is directed to the real and personal property resources of the responsible parents. In order to render resources more immediately available to meet the needs of minor children, it is the legislative intent that the remedies provided in this part are in addition to, and not in lieu of, existing law. It is declared to be the public policy of this state that this part be liberally construed and administered to the end that children shall be maintained from the resources of responsible parents, thereby relieving or avoiding, at least in part, the burden often borne by the general citizenry through public assistance programs.
Enacted by Chapter 1, 1988 General Session