§ 62A-3-319. Court order for protective services -- Review.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Only upon court order may involuntary protective services be provided to a vulnerable adult who lacks capacity to consent to services.
    (2) The court may order protective services if it is satisfied that the adult who is the subject of the petition under Section 62A-3-318 lacks capacity to consent to services and is in need of protective services. The court shall specifically state the purpose, extent, and limitations of the protective services, including specific findings of fact and conclusions of law. The court shall fashion any order so as to place the least possible restrictions on the rights of the vulnerable adult, consistent with the welfare, safety, and best interests of the adult.
    (3) Any party to the proceedings may petition the court for modification or dissolution of the order at any time upon a showing of a material change in circumstances. Any protected person has the right to petition the court for a rehearing within 10 days after the date the order was entered.
Enacted by Chapter 108, 2002 General Session