Part 2. Division of Facilities Construction and Management  

§ 63A-5-201. Creation -- Administration.
§ 63A-5-202. Definitions.
§ 63A-5-203. Director of division -- Appointment.
§ 63A-5-204. Specific powers and duties of director.
§ 63A-5-205. Contracting powers of director -- Retainage -- Health insurance coverage. (Effective 5/13/2014)
§ 63A-5-206. Construction, alteration, and repair of state facilities -- Powers of director -- Exceptions -- Expenditure of appropriations -- Notification to local governments for construction or modification of certain facilities.
§ 63A-5-207. Availability of appropriated funds -- Excessive obligations prohibited -- Exceptions.
§ 63A-5-208. Definitions -- Certain public construction bids to list subcontractors -- Changing subcontractors -- Bidders as subcontractors -- Dispute resolution process -- Penalties.
§ 63A-5-209. Building appropriations supervised by director -- Contingencies -- Disposition of project reserve funds -- Set aside for Utah Program.
§ 63A-5-211. Planning Fund expenditures authorized -- Ceiling on expenditures -- Recovery.
§ 63A-5-215. Disposition of proceeds received by division from sale of property.
§ 63A-5-216. Gifts, grants, and donations to division.
§ 63A-5-219. Transfer from project reserve money.
§ 63A-5-220. Definitions -- Creation of Utah State Developmental Center Land Fund -- Use of fund.
§ 63A-5-222. Critical land near state prison -- Definitions -- Preservation as open land -- Management and use of land -- Restrictions on transfer -- Wetlands development -- Conservation easement.
§ 63A-5-223. Contracts -- Certain indemnification provisions forbidden.
§ 63A-5-224. Authority to transfer land for commuter rail station and related development.