§ 63G-4-401. Judicial review -- Exhaustion of administrative remedies.  

Latest version.
  • (1) A party aggrieved may obtain judicial review of final agency action, except in actions where judicial review is expressly prohibited by statute.
    (2) A party may seek judicial review only after exhausting all administrative remedies available, except that:
    (a) a party seeking judicial review need not exhaust administrative remedies if this chapter or any other statute states that exhaustion is not required;
    (b) the court may relieve a party seeking judicial review of the requirement to exhaust any or all administrative remedies if:
    (i) the administrative remedies are inadequate; or
    (ii) exhaustion of remedies would result in irreparable harm disproportionate to the public benefit derived from requiring exhaustion.
    (a) A party shall file a petition for judicial review of final agency action within 30 days after the date that the order constituting the final agency action is issued or is considered to have been issued under Subsection 63G-4-302(3)(b).
    (b) The petition shall name the agency and all other appropriate parties as respondents and shall meet the form requirements specified in this chapter.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session