§ 63G-6a-106. Procurement units with specific statutory procurement authority -- Independent procurement authority. (Effective 3/29/2014)  

Latest version.
  • (1) A procurement unit with procurement authority under the following provisions has independent procurement authority to the extent of the applicable provisions and for the procurement items specified in the applicable provisions:
    (a)Title 53B, State System of Higher Education;
    (b)Title 63A, Chapter 5, State Building Board - Division of Facilities Construction and Management;
    (c)Title 67, Chapter 5, Attorney General;
    (d)Title 72, Transportation Code; and
    (e)Title 78A, Chapter 5, District Court.
    (2) Except as otherwise provided in Sections 63G-6a-105 and 63G-6a-107, a procurement unit shall conduct a procurement in accordance with this chapter.
    (a) The Department of Transportation may make rules governing the procurement of highway construction or improvement.
    (b) The applicable rulemaking authority for a public transit district may make rules governing the procurement of a transit construction project or a transit improvement project.
    (c) This Subsection (3) supersedes Subsections (1) and (2).
    (a) A procurement unit listed in Subsection (4)(b) may, without the supervision, interference, oversight, control, or involvement of the division or the chief procurement officer, but in accordance with the requirements of this chapter:
    (i) engage in a standard procurement process;
    (ii) procure an item under an exception, as provided in this chapter, to the requirement to use a standard procurement process; or
    (iii) otherwise engage in an act authorized or required by this chapter.
    (b) The procurement units to which Subsection (4)(a) applies are:
    (i) a legislative procurement unit;
    (ii) a judicial procurement unit;
    (iii) an educational procurement unit;
    (iv) a local government procurement unit;
    (v) a conservation district;
    (vi) a local building authority;
    (vii) a local district;
    (viii) a public corporation;
    (ix) a special service district;
    (x) a public transit district; and
    (xi) a procurement unit referred to in Subsection (1), to the extent authorized in Subsection (1).
    (c) A procurement unit with independent procurement authority shall comply with the requirements of this chapter.
    (d) Notwithstanding Subsection (4)(a), a procurement unit with independent procurement authority may agree in writing with the division to extend the authority of the division or the chief procurement officer to the procurement unit, as provided in the agreement.
    (a) The attorney general may, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, but without involvement by the division or the chief procurement officer:
    (i) retain outside counsel; or
    (ii) procure litigation support services, including retaining an expert witness.
    (b) A procurement unit with independent procurement authority that is not represented by the attorney general's office may, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, but without involvement by the division or the chief procurement officer:
    (i) retain outside counsel; or
    (ii) procure litigation support services, including retaining an expert witness.
    (6) The state auditor's office may, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, but without involvement by the division or the chief procurement officer, procure audit services.
    (7) The state treasurer may, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, but without involvement by the division or the chief procurement officer, procure:
    (a) deposit and investment services; and
    (b) services related to issuing bonds.
Amended by Chapter 196, 2014 General Session