§ 63G-6a-2102. Agreements between procurement units.  

Latest version.
  •      A procurement unit may enter into an agreement with one or more other procurement units to:
    (1) sponsor, conduct, or administer a cooperative agreement for:
    (a) the procurement of a procurement item, in accordance with the requirements of Section 63G-6a-2105; or
    (b) the disposal of a procurement item;
    (2) cooperatively use a procurement item;
    (3) commonly use or share warehousing facilities, capital equipment, and other facilities;
    (4) provide personnel, if the receiving procurement unit pays the procurement unit providing the personnel the direct and indirect cost of providing the personnel, in accordance with the agreement; or
    (5) make available informational, technical, and other services, if:
    (a) the requirements of the procurement unit tendering the services have precedence over the procurement unit that receives the services; and
    (b) the receiving procurement unit pays the expenses of the services provided, in accordance with the agreement.
Amended by Chapter 445, 2013 General Session