§ 63G-6a-707.5. Best and final offers. (Effective 3/29/2014)  

Latest version.
  • (1) At any time during the evaluation process, the evaluation committee, with the approval of the director or head of the issuing procurement unit, may:
    (a) request best and final offers from responsible and responsive offerors; and
    (b) evaluate those offers.
    (2) In requesting and evaluating best and final offers under Subsection (1), the evaluation committee shall:
    (a) ensure that each offeror receives fair and equal treatment with respect to the other offerors;
    (b) establish a schedule and procedures for conducting discussions;
    (c) ensure that information in each proposal and information gathered during discussions is not shared with other offerors until the contract is awarded;
    (d) ensure that auction tactics are not used in the discussion process, including discussing and comparing the costs and features of other proposals; and
    (e) set a common date and time for the submission of best and final offers.
    (3) If an offeror chooses not to participate in a discussion or does not make a timely best and final offer, the offer submitted by the offeror before the conduct of discussions shall be treated as the offeror's best and final offer.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 196, 2014 General Session