Part 2. Budget Process, Appropriations, and Expenditures  

§ 63J-1-201. Governor's proposed budget to Legislature -- Contents -- Preparation -- Appropriations based on current tax laws and not to exceed estimated revenues. (Effective 7/1/2014)
§ 63J-1-201.5. Financial statement to be submitted annually.
§ 63J-1-205. Revenue volatility report. (Effective 5/13/2014)
§ 63J-1-206. Appropriations governed by chapter -- Restrictions on expenditures -- Transfer of funds -- Exclusion. (Effective 5/13/2014)
§ 63J-1-207. Uniform School Fund -- Appropriations.
§ 63J-1-208. Conditions on appropriations binding.
§ 63J-1-209. Director of finance to exercise accounting control -- Work programs -- Allotments and expenditures.
§ 63J-1-210. Restrictions on agency expenditures of money -- Lobbyists.
§ 63J-1-211. Appropriating from restricted accounts.
§ 63J-1-212. Duplicate payment of claims prohibited.
§ 63J-1-213. Appropriations from special funds or accounts -- Transfer by proper official only.
§ 63J-1-214. Warrants -- Not to be drawn until claim processed -- Redemption.
§ 63J-1-215. Cash funds -- Application for account -- Preference for purchasing card accounts -- Cash advances -- Revolving fund established by law excepted -- Elimination of cash funds.
§ 63J-1-216. Allotment of funds to higher education.
§ 63J-1-217. Overexpenditure of budget by agency -- Prorating budget income shortfall.
§ 63J-1-218. Reduction in federal funds -- Agencies to reduce budgets.
§ 63J-1-219. Definitions -- Federal receipts reporting requirements.