§ 63M-1-3201. Definitions. (Effective 4/1/2014)  

Latest version.
  •      As used in this part:
    (1) "Board" means the STEM Action Center Board created in Section 63M-1-3202.
    (2) "Educator" has the meaning defined in Section 53A-6-103.
    (3) "High quality professional development" means professional development that meets high quality standards developed by the State Board of Education.
    (4) "Office" means the Governor's Office of Economic Development.
    (5) "Provider" means a provider, selected by staff of the board and staff of the Utah State Board of Education, on behalf of the board:
    (a) through a request for proposals process; or
    (b) through a direct award or sole source procurement process for a pilot described in Section 63M-1-3205.
    (6) "STEM" means science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
    (7) "STEM Action Center" means the center described in Section 63M-1-3204.
Amended by Chapter 318, 2014 General Session