§ 63M-1-3206. Distribution of STEM education instructional technology to schools.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Subject to legislative appropriations, on behalf of the board, the staff of the board and the staff of the State Board of Education shall collaborate and shall:
    (a) distribute STEM education related instructional technology described in Section 63M-1-3205 to school districts and charter schools; and
    (b) provide related professional development to the school districts and charter schools that receive STEM education related instructional technology.
    (2) A school district or charter school may apply to the board, through a competitive process, to receive STEM education related instructional technology from the board.
    (3) A school district or charter school that receives STEM education related instructional technology as described in this section shall provide the school district's or charter school's own computer hardware.
Enacted by Chapter 336, 2013 General Session