§ 63M-1-3304. Creation of office and appointment of director -- Purposes of office.  

Latest version.
  • (1) There is created within the Governor's Office of Economic Development an Outdoor Recreation Office.
    (a) The executive director shall appoint a director of the office.
    (b) The director shall report to the executive director and may appoint staff.
    (3) The purposes of the office are to:
    (a) coordinate outdoor recreation policy, management, and promotion:
    (i) among state and federal agencies and local government entities in the state; and
    (ii) with the Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office created in Section 63J-4-602, if public land is involved;
    (b) promote economic development by:
    (i) coordinating with outdoor recreation stakeholders;
    (ii) improving recreational opportunities; and
    (iii) recruiting outdoor recreation business;
    (c) recommend to the governor and Legislature policies and initiatives to enhance recreational amenities and experiences in the state and help implement those policies and initiatives;
    (d) develop data regarding the impacts of outdoor recreation in the state; and
    (e) promote the health and social benefits of outdoor recreation, especially to young people.
Enacted by Chapter 25, 2013 General Session