§ 63M-1-501. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  •      As used in this part:
    (1) "Allocated cap amount" means the total amount of the targeted business income tax credit that a business applicant is allowed to claim for a taxable year that represents a pro rata share of the total amount of $300,000 for each fiscal year allowed under Subsection 63M-1-504(2).
    (2) "Business applicant" means a business that:
    (a) is a:
    (i) claimant;
    (ii) estate; or
    (iii) trust; and
    (b) meets the criteria established in Section 63M-1-503.
    (a) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(b), "claimant" means a resident or nonresident person.
    (b) "Claimant" does not include an estate or trust.
    (4) "Community investment project" means a project that includes one or more of the following criteria in addition to the normal operations of the business applicant:
    (a) substantial new employment;
    (b) new capital development; or
    (c) a combination of both Subsections (4)(a) and (b).
    (5) "Community investment project period" means the total number of years that the office determines a business applicant is eligible for a targeted business income tax credit for each community investment project.
    (6) "Enterprise zone" means an area within a county or municipality that has been designated as an enterprise zone by the office under Part 4, Enterprise Zone Act.
    (7) "Estate" means a nonresident estate or a resident estate.
    (8) "Local zone administrator" means a person:
    (a) designated by the governing authority of the county or municipal applicant as the local zone administrator in an enterprise zone application; and
    (b) approved by the office as the local zone administrator.
    (9) "Refundable tax credit" or "tax credit" means a tax credit that a claimant, estate, or trust may claim:
    (a) as provided by statute; and
    (b) regardless of whether, for the taxable year for which the claimant, estate, or trust claims the tax credit, the claimant, estate, or trust has a tax liability under:
    (i)Title 59, Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes; or
    (ii)Title 59, Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act.
    (10) "Targeted business income tax credit" means a refundable tax credit available under Section 63M-1-504.
    (11) "Targeted business income tax credit eligibility form" means a document provided annually to the business applicant by the office that complies with the requirements of Subsection 63M-1-504(8).
    (12) "Trust" means a nonresident trust or a resident trust.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session