Part 12. Utah Venture Capital Enhancement Act  

§ 63M-1-1201. Title.
§ 63M-1-1202. Findings -- Purpose.
§ 63M-1-1203. Definitions. (Effective 5/13/2014)
§ 63M-1-1204. Utah Capital Investment Board.
§ 63M-1-1205. Board members -- Meetings -- Expenses. (Effective 5/13/2014)
§ 63M-1-1206. Board duties and powers. (Effective 5/13/2014)
§ 63M-1-1207. Utah Capital Investment Corporation -- Powers and purposes.
§ 63M-1-1208. Incorporator -- Appointment committee.
§ 63M-1-1209. Board of directors.
§ 63M-1-1210. Investment manager.
§ 63M-1-1211. Management fee -- Additional financial assistance.
§ 63M-1-1212. Dissolution.
§ 63M-1-1213. Organization of Utah fund of funds.
§ 63M-1-1214. Compensation from the Utah fund of funds to the corporation -- Redemption reserve. (Effective 5/13/2014)
§ 63M-1-1215. Investments by Utah fund of funds.
§ 63M-1-1216. Powers of Utah fund of funds.
§ 63M-1-1217. Annual audits. (Effective 5/13/2014)
§ 63M-1-1218. Certificates and contingent tax credits. (Effective 5/13/2014)
§ 63M-1-1219. Transfer and registration of certificates.
§ 63M-1-1220. Redemption of certificates.
§ 63M-1-1221. Use of commitments to redeem certificates.
§ 63M-1-1222. Powers and effectiveness.
§ 63M-1-1223. Permissible investments.
§ 63M-1-1224. Exemption from certain statutes.