§ 63M-7-506. Functions of board.  

Latest version.
  • (1) The Crime Victim Reparations and Assistance Board shall:
    (a) adopt a description of the organization and prescribe the general operation of the board;
    (b) prescribe policy for the Utah Office for Victims of Crime;
    (c) adopt rules to implement and administer this chapter pursuant to Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, which may include setting of ceilings on reparations, defining of terms not specifically stated in this chapter, and establishing of rules governing attorney fees;
    (d) prescribe forms for applications for reparations;
    (e) review all awards made by the reparations staff, although the board may not reverse or modify awards authorized by the reparations staff;
    (f) render an annual report to the governor and the Legislature regarding the staff's and the board's activities;
    (g) cooperate with the director and the director's staff in formulating standards for the uniform application of Section 63M-7-509, taking into consideration the rates and amounts of reparation payable for injuries and death under other laws of this state and the United States;
    (h) allocate money available in the Crime Victim Reparations Fund to victims of criminally injurious conduct for reparations claims;
    (i) allocate money available to other victim services as provided by administrative rule once a sufficient reserve has been established for reparation claims; and
    (j) approve the allocation and disbursement of funds made available to the office by the United States, the state, foundations, corporations, or other entities or individuals to subgrantees from private, non-profit, and governmental entities operating qualified statewide assistance programs.
    (2) All rules, or other statements of policy, along with application forms specified by the board, are binding upon the director, the reparations officers, assistance officers, and other staff.
Amended by Chapter 131, 2011 General Session