§ 63M-7-601. Creation -- Members -- Chair.  

Latest version.
  • (1) There is created within the governor's office the Utah Council on Victims of Crime.
    (2) The Utah Council on Victims of Crime shall be composed of 24 voting members as follows:
    (a) a representative of the Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice appointed by the executive director;
    (b) a representative of the Department of Corrections appointed by the executive director;
    (c) a representative of the Board of Pardons and Parole appointed by the chair;
    (d) a representative of the Department of Public Safety appointed by the commissioner;
    (e) a representative of the Division of Juvenile Justice Services appointed by the director;
    (f) a representative of the Utah Office for Victims of Crime appointed by the director;
    (g) a representative of the Office of the Attorney General appointed by the attorney general;
    (h) a representative of the United States Attorney for the district of Utah appointed by the United States Attorney;
    (i) a professional or volunteer working in the area of violence against women and families appointed by the governor;
    (j) the chair of each judicial district's victims' rights committee;
    (k) the following members appointed to serve four-year terms:
    (i) a representative of the Statewide Association of Public Attorneys appointed by that association;
    (ii) a representative of the Utah Chiefs of Police Association appointed by the president of that association;
    (iii) a representative of the Utah Sheriffs' Association appointed by the president of that association;
    (iv) a representative of a Children's Justice Center appointed by the Advisory Board on Children's Justice; and
    (v) a citizen representative appointed by the governor; and
    (l) the following members appointed by the members in Subsections (2)(a) through (2)(k) to serve four-year terms:
    (i) an individual who works professionally with victims of crime; and
    (ii) a victim of crime.
    (3) The council shall annually elect one member to serve as chair.
Amended by Chapter 131, 2011 General Session