Part 5. Utah Office for Victims of Crime  

§ 63M-7-501. Title.
§ 63M-7-502. Definitions.
§ 63M-7-503. Restitution -- Reparations not to supplant restitution -- Assignment of claim for restitution judgment to Reparations Office.
§ 63M-7-504. Crime Victim Reparations and Assistance Board -- Members.
§ 63M-7-505. Board and office within Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice.
§ 63M-7-506. Functions of board.
§ 63M-7-507. Director -- Appointment and functions.
§ 63M-7-508. Reparations officers.
§ 63M-7-509. Grounds for eligibility.
§ 63M-7-510. Ineligible persons -- Fraudulent claims -- Penalties.
§ 63M-7-511. Compensable losses and amounts.
§ 63M-7-511.5. Limitation of awards.
§ 63M-7-512. Reparations reduction.
§ 63M-7-513. Collateral sources.
§ 63M-7-514. Notification of claimant -- Suspension of proceedings.
§ 63M-7-515. Rules for contested claims -- Exemption from Administrative Procedures Act.
§ 63M-7-516. Waiver of privilege.
§ 63M-7-517. Additional testing.
§ 63M-7-518. Failure to comply.
§ 63M-7-519. Assignment of recovery -- Reimbursement.
§ 63M-7-521. Award -- Payment methods -- Claims against the award.
§ 63M-7-521.5. Payments to medical providers.
§ 63M-7-522. Emergency award.
§ 63M-7-523. Review of award decision.
§ 63M-7-524. Attorney fees.
§ 63M-7-525. Purpose -- Not entitlement program.