Part 1. Uniform Aeronautical Regulatory Act  

§ 72-10-101. Title.
§ 72-10-102. Definitions.
§ 72-10-103. Rulemaking requirement.
§ 72-10-104. Investigations and hearings -- Powers.
§ 72-10-105. Reports of investigations or hearings -- Restrictions on use -- Employees of division not required to testify.
§ 72-10-106. Enforcement of chapter -- Fees for services by division.
§ 72-10-107. Procedures -- Adjudicative proceedings.
§ 72-10-108. Payment of expenses of administration.
§ 72-10-109. Certificate of registration of aircraft required -- Exceptions.
§ 72-10-110. Aircraft registration information requirements -- Registration fee -- Administration -- Partial year registration.
§ 72-10-112. Failure to register -- Penalty.
§ 72-10-113. Pilot's certificate of competency required -- Exceptions.
§ 72-10-114. Mechanic's certificate of competency.
§ 72-10-115. Certificate carried subject to inspection -- Burden of proving validity of certificate in criminal proceedings.
§ 72-10-116. Airport license required -- Issuance by division -- Restrictions on use of lands or waters of another -- Annual fee.
§ 72-10-117. Aircraft landing permits -- Eligible aircraft -- Special licenses -- Rules -- Proof of insurance -- Bonds.
§ 72-10-118. Reason for division order to be stated -- Closing airports -- Notice -- Right of inspection.
§ 72-10-119. Judicial review.
§ 72-10-120. Violations -- Penalty.
§ 72-10-121. Severability clause.
§ 72-10-122. Construction of chapter.
§ 72-10-123. Sovereignty in space above land and water in state.
§ 72-10-124. Report of death or serious injury to person or property.
§ 72-10-125. Report of injury to aircraft or property.
§ 72-10-126. Marking buildings to aid navigation.
§ 72-10-127. Tampering with aircraft forbidden.
§ 72-10-128. Tampering with airport or equipment forbidden.
§ 72-10-129. Expenditures for Civil Air Patrol.
§ 72-10-130. Approval of expenditures for Civil Air Patrol.
§ 72-10-131. Tax-exempt status of Civil Air Patrol equipment.