Part 4. Airport Zoning Act  

§ 72-10-401. Definitions.
§ 72-10-402. Declaration with respect to airport hazards.
§ 72-10-403. Airport zoning regulations -- Joint airport zoning board -- Powers of board -- Membership.
§ 72-10-404. Zoning ordinances -- Governing law in event of conflict.
§ 72-10-405. Airport zoning regulations -- Adoption and amendment -- Airport zoning commission -- Powers and duties.
§ 72-10-406. Airport zoning regulations -- Validity, limitations, and restrictions.
§ 72-10-407. Permit for new or changed structures or uses -- Nonconforming structures -- Airport hazards -- Application to board of adjustment for variance -- Allowance of variance -- Conditioning permit or variance.
§ 72-10-408. Appeals to board of adjustment -- Procedure -- Stay of proceedings -- Hearing and judgment.
§ 72-10-409. Airport zoning regulations -- Administration and enforcement.
§ 72-10-410. Board of adjustment -- Powers -- Appointment and membership of board -- Hearings and decisions by board -- Meetings -- Adoption of rules.
§ 72-10-411. Appeals to district courts -- Procedure -- Findings, judgment, and costs -- Regulations invalid as to one structure or parcel of land.
§ 72-10-412. Violations of chapter or rulings -- Misdemeanor -- Remedies of political subdivisions.
§ 72-10-413. Purchase or condemnation of air rights or navigation easements.
§ 72-10-414. Exchange of private property near federal airports.
§ 72-10-415. Severability clause.