Part 1. Transportation Fund and Highway Finances  

§ 72-2-101. Title.
§ 72-2-102. Transportation Fund.
§ 72-2-103. Limitations on Transportation Fund appropriations to agencies not a part of the Department of Transportation -- Exceptions.
§ 72-2-104. Budget.
§ 72-2-105. Budgetary accounts within Transportation Fund -- Disposition of unexpended balances.
§ 72-2-106. Appropriation from Transportation Fund.
§ 72-2-107. Appropriation from Transportation Fund -- Deposit in class B and class C roads account.
§ 72-2-108. Apportionment of funds available for use on class B and class C roads -- Bonds.
§ 72-2-109. Rules for uniform accounting -- Apportionment and use of class B and class C road funds -- Compliance with federal-aid provisions -- Duties of department.
§ 72-2-110. Funds allocated to class B and class C roads -- Matching federal funds -- R.S. 2477 rights.
§ 72-2-111. Assent to federal acts on federal aid for highway purposes -- Department to represent state -- Pledge of funds -- Rulemaking authority -- Contracts for energy conservation.
§ 72-2-112. Transportation department authorized to participate in federal program -- Prohibition against spending certain transportation funds.
§ 72-2-113. Rulemaking for cost limitations on contracts -- Auditing for compliance -- Federal accounting and audit standards.
§ 72-2-114. Transfer of money -- Debt service.
§ 72-2-115. Transportation Fund balance -- Income -- Allocation.
§ 72-2-116. Gifts, bequests, and donations part of Transportation Fund -- Expenditure.
§ 72-2-117. Marda Dillree Corridor Preservation Fund -- Distribution -- Repayment -- Rulemaking.
§ 72-2-117.5. Definitions -- Local Transportation Corridor Preservation Fund -- Disposition of fund money.
§ 72-2-118. Centennial Highway Fund.
§ 72-2-120. Tollway Special Revenue Fund -- Revenue.
§ 72-2-121. County of the First Class State Highway Projects Fund.
§ 72-2-121.1. Highway Projects Within Counties Fund -- Accounting for revenues -- Interest -- Expenditure of revenues.
§ 72-2-121.2. Definition -- County of the Second Class State Highway Projects Fund -- Use of fund money.
§ 72-2-121.3. Special revenue fund -- 2010 Salt Lake County Revenue Bonds Sinking Fund.
§ 72-2-121.4. 2010 interlocal agreement governing state highway projects in Salt Lake County.
§ 72-2-123. Rules adopting guidelines -- Partnering to finance state highway capacity improvements -- Partnering proposals.
§ 72-2-124. Transportation Investment Fund of 2005.
§ 72-2-125. Critical Highway Needs Fund.
§ 72-2-126. Aeronautics Restricted Account.
§ 72-2-127. Share the Road Bicycle Support Restricted Account.