§ 76-10-1305. Exploiting prostitution.  

Latest version.
  • (1) A person is guilty of exploiting prostitution if he:
    (a) procures an inmate for a house of prostitution or place in a house of prostitution for one who would be an inmate;
    (b) encourages, induces, or otherwise purposely causes another to become or remain a prostitute;
    (c) transports a person into or within this state with a purpose to promote that person's engaging in prostitution or procuring or paying for transportation with that purpose;
    (d) not being a child or legal dependent of a prostitute, shares the proceeds of prostitution with a prostitute pursuant to their understanding that he is to share therein; or
    (e) owns, controls, manages, supervises, or otherwise keeps, alone or in association with another, a house of prostitution or a prostitution business.
    (2) Exploiting prostitution is a felony of the third degree.
Amended by Chapter 1, 2000 General Session