Part 4. Sexual Offenses  

§ 76-5-401. Unlawful sexual activity with a minor -- Elements -- Penalties -- Evidence of age raised by defendant.
§ 76-5-401.1. Sexual abuse of a minor. (Effective 5/13/2014)
§ 76-5-401.2. Unlawful sexual conduct with a 16- or (Effective 5/13/2014)
§ 76-5-402. Rape.
§ 76-5-402.1. Rape of a child.
§ 76-5-402.2. Object rape.
§ 76-5-402.3. Object rape of a child -- Penalty.
§ 76-5-403. Sodomy -- Forcible sodomy.
§ 76-5-403.1. Sodomy on a child.
§ 76-5-404. Forcible sexual abuse.
§ 76-5-404.1. Sexual abuse of a child -- Aggravated sexual abuse of a child. (Effective 5/13/2014)
§ 76-5-405. Aggravated sexual assault -- Penalty.
§ 76-5-406. Sexual offenses against the victim without consent of victim -- Circumstances. (Effective 5/13/2014)
§ 76-5-406.3. Applicability of sentencing provisions.
§ 76-5-406.5. Circumstances required for probation or suspension of sentence for certain sex offenses against a child.
§ 76-5-407. Applicability of part -- "Penetration" or "touching" sufficient to constitute offense.
§ 76-5-409. Corroboration of admission by child's statement.
§ 76-5-410. Child victim of sexual abuse as competent witness.
§ 76-5-412. Custodial sexual relations -- Custodial sexual misconduct -- Definitions -- Penalties -- Defenses.
§ 76-5-413. Custodial sexual relations or misconduct with youth receiving state services -- Definitions -- Penalties -- Defenses.
§ 76-5-414. Child conceived as a result of sexual offense -- Custody and parent-time.
§ 76-5-415. Educator's license subject to action for violation of this part. (Effective 5/13/2014)