Part 3. Abortion

§ 76-7-301. Definitions.
§ 76-7-301.1. Preamble -- Findings and policies of Legislature.
§ 76-7-301.5. Relationship to criminal homicide.
§ 76-7-302. Circumstances under which abortion authorized.
§ 76-7-303. Concurrence of attending physician based on medical judgment.
§ 76-7-304. Considerations by physician -- Notice to a parent or guardian -- Exceptions.
§ 76-7-304.5. Consent required for abortions performed on minors -- Hearing to allow a minor to self-consent -- Appeals.
§ 76-7-305. Informed consent requirements for abortion -- 72-hour wait mandatory -- Exceptions. (Effective 5/13/2014)
§ 76-7-305.5. Requirements for printed materials and informational video.
§ 76-7-305.6. Abortion facilities required to provide printed materials and informational video -- Department of Health to make printed materials and informational video available.
§ 76-7-305.7. Statistical report by the Department of Health.
§ 76-7-306. Refusal to participate, admit, or treat for abortion based on religious or moral grounds -- Cause of action.
§ 76-7-307. Medical procedure required to save life of unborn child.
§ 76-7-308. Medical skills required to preserve life of unborn child.
§ 76-7-308.5. Administration of anesthetic or analgesic to an unborn child.
§ 76-7-309. Pathologist's report.
§ 76-7-310. Experimentation with unborn children prohibited -- Testing for genetic defects.
§ 76-7-310.5. Prohibition of specified abortion procedures -- Viability defined.
§ 76-7-311. Selling and buying unborn children prohibited.
§ 76-7-312. Intimidation or coercion to obtain abortion prohibited.
§ 76-7-313. Physician's report to Department of Health.
§ 76-7-314. Violations of abortion laws -- Classifications.
§ 76-7-314.5. Killing an unborn child.
§ 76-7-315. Exceptions to certain requirements in serious medical emergencies.
§ 76-7-316. Actions not precluded.
§ 76-7-317. Separability clause.
§ 76-7-317.1. Abortion Litigation Account.
§ 76-7-321. Contraceptive and abortion services -- Funds -- Minor -- Definitions.
§ 76-7-322. Public funds for provision of contraceptive or abortion services restricted.
§ 76-7-323. Public funds for support entities providing contraceptive or abortion services restricted.
§ 76-7-324. Violation of restrictions on public funds for contraceptive or abortion services as misdemeanor.
§ 76-7-325. Notice to parent or guardian of minor requesting contraceptive -- Definition of contraceptives -- Penalty for violation.
§ 76-7-326. Partial birth abortions prohibited.
§ 76-7-327. Remedies for father or maternal grandparents.
§ 76-7-328. Hearing to determine necessity of physician's conduct.
§ 76-7-330. Contingent continuance of prior law.
§ 76-7-331. Public funding of abortion forbidden.