§ 76-8-1402. Disruption of activities in or near school building -- Failure to leave -- Reentry -- Penalties.  

Latest version.
  • (1) In the absence of a local ordinance or other controlling law governing the conduct described in this Subsection (1), a person is guilty of an offense under Subsection (2) who, while on a street, sidewalk, or public way adjacent to any school building or ground:
    (a) by his or her presence or acts, materially disrupts the peaceful conduct of school activities; and
    (b) remains upon the place under Subsection (1)(a) after being asked to leave by the chief administrator of that school.
    (a) A violation of Subsection (1) is subject to the penalties under Subsection (2)(b) unless the violation constitutes another offense subject to a greater penalty.
    (i) The first and second violation of Subsection (1) are class B misdemeanors.
    (ii) A third and any subsequent violations of Subsection (1) are class A misdemeanors.
Enacted by Chapter 107, 2004 General Session