§ 78A-7-102. Establishment of justice courts.  

Latest version.
  • (1)
    (a) For the purposes of this section, to "create a justice court" means to:
    (i) establish a justice court; or
    (ii) establish a justice court under Title 11, Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act.
    (b) For the purposes of this section, if more than one municipality or county is collectively proposing to create a justice court, the class of the justice court shall be determined by the total citations or cases filed within the territorial jurisdiction of the proposed justice court.
    (2) Municipalities or counties of the first or second class may create a justice court by filing a written declaration with the Judicial Council on or before July 1 at least two years prior to the effective date of the election. Upon demonstration of compliance with operating standards as established by statute and the Judicial Council, the Judicial Council shall certify the creation of the court pursuant to Section 78A-7-103.
    (a) Municipalities or counties of the third, fourth, or fifth class may create a justice court by demonstrating the need for the court and filing a written declaration with the Judicial Council on or before July 1 at least one year prior to the effective date of the election.
    (b) A municipality or county establishing a justice court shall demonstrate to the Judicial Council that a justice court is needed. In evaluating the need for a justice court, the Judicial Council shall consider factors of population, case filings, public convenience, availability of law enforcement agencies and court support services, proximity to other courts, and any special circumstances.
    (c) The Judicial Council shall certify the establishment of a justice court pursuant to Section 78A-7-103, if the council determines:
    (i) a need exists;
    (ii) the municipality or county has filed a timely application; and
    (iii) the proposed justice court will be in compliance with all of the operating standards established by statute and the Judicial Council.
    (a) A municipality that has an established justice court may expand the territorial jurisdiction of its justice court by entering into an agreement pursuant to Title 11, Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act, with one or more other municipalities, or the county in which the municipality exists.
    (b) A justice court enlarged under this section may not be considered as establishing a new justice court. An expanded justice court shall demonstrate that it will be in compliance with all of the requirements of the operating standards as established by statute and the Judicial Council before the justice court expands.
    (c) A municipality or county seeking to expand the territorial jurisdiction of a justice court shall notify the Judicial Council:
    (i) no later than the notice period required in Section 78A-7-123, when the expanded justice court is a result of the dissolution of one or more justice courts; or
    (ii) no later than 180 days before the expanded court seeks to begin operation when the expanded justice court is a result of other circumstances.
    (d) The Judicial Council shall certify the expansion of a justice court if it determines that the expanded justice court is in compliance with the operating standards established by statute and the Judicial Council.
    (5) Upon request from a municipality or county seeking to create a justice court, the Judicial Council may shorten the time required between the city's or county's written declaration or election to create a justice court and the effective date of the election.
    (6) The Judicial Council may by rule provide resources and procedures adequate for the timely disposition of all matters brought before the courts. The administrative office of the courts and local governments shall cooperate in allocating resources to operate the courts in the most efficient and effective manner based on the allocation of responsibility between courts of record and not of record.
Amended by Chapter 205, 2012 General Session