§ 78A-7-122. Security surcharge -- Application -- Deposit in restricted accounts. (Effective 5/13/2014)  

Latest version.
  • (1) In addition to any fine, penalty, forfeiture, or other surcharge, a security surcharge of $50 shall be assessed on all convictions for offenses listed in the uniform bail schedule adopted by the Judicial Council and moving traffic violations.
    (2) The security surcharge shall be collected and distributed pro rata with any fine collected. A fine that would otherwise have been charged may not be reduced due to the imposition of the security surcharge.
    (3) Eighteen dollars of the security surcharge shall be remitted to the state treasurer and distributed to the Court Security Account created in Section 78A-2-602.
    (4) Thirty-two dollars of the security surcharge shall be allocated as follows:
    (a) the assessing court shall retain 20% of the amount collected for deposit into the general fund of the governmental entity; and
    (b) 80% shall be remitted to the state treasurer to be distributed as follows:
    (i) 62.5% to the treasurer of the county in which the justice court which remitted the amount is located;
    (ii) 25% to the Court Security Account created in Section 78A-2-602; and
    (iii) 12.5% to the Justice Court Technology, Security, and Training Account created in Section 78A-7-301.
    (5) The court shall remit money collected in accordance with Title 51, Chapter 7, State Money Management Act.
Amended by Chapter 168, 2014 General Session