§ 78B-11-121. Change of award by arbitrator.  

Latest version.
  • (1) On motion to an arbitrator by a party to an arbitration proceeding, the arbitrator may modify or correct an award:
    (a) on any grounds stated in Subsection 78B-11-125(1)(a) or (c);
    (b) if the arbitrator has not made a final and definite award upon a claim submitted by the parties to the arbitration proceeding; or
    (c) to clarify the award.
    (2) A motion under Subsection (1) must be made and notice given to all parties within 20 days after the movant receives notice of the award.
    (3) A party to the arbitration proceeding must give notice of any objection to the motion within 10 days after receipt of the notice.
    (4) If a motion to the court is pending under Section 78B-11-123, 78B-11-124, or 78B-11-125, the court may submit the claim to the arbitrator to consider whether to modify or correct the award:
    (a) on any grounds stated in Subsection 78B-11-125(1)(a) or (c);
    (b) if the arbitrator has not made a final and definite award upon a claim submitted by the parties to the arbitration proceeding; or
    (c) to clarify the award.
    (5) An award modified or corrected pursuant to this section is subject to Subsection 78A-6-119(1) and Sections 78B-11-123, 78B-11-124, and 78B-11-125.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session