Part 6. Adjudication of Parentage  

§ 78B-15-601. Proceeding authorized -- Definition.
§ 78B-15-602. Standing to maintain proceeding.
§ 78B-15-603. Parties to proceeding.
§ 78B-15-604. Personal jurisdiction.
§ 78B-15-605. Venue.
§ 78B-15-606. No limitation -- Child having no declarant or adjudicated father.
§ 78B-15-607. Limitation -- Child having presumed father.
§ 78B-15-608. Authority to deny motion for genetic testing or disregard test results.
§ 78B-15-609. Limitation -- Child having declarant father.
§ 78B-15-610. Joinder of judicial proceedings.
§ 78B-15-611. Proceeding before birth.
§ 78B-15-612. Minor as party -- Representation. (Effective 5/13/2014)
§ 78B-15-613. Admissibility of results of genetic testing -- Expenses.
§ 78B-15-614. Consequences of failing to submit to genetic testing.
§ 78B-15-615. Admission of paternity authorized.
§ 78B-15-616. Temporary order.
§ 78B-15-617. Rules for adjudication of paternity.
§ 78B-15-618. Adjudication of parentage -- Jury trial prohibited.
§ 78B-15-619. Adjudication of parentage -- Hearings -- Inspection of records.
§ 78B-15-620. Adjudication of parentage -- Order on default.
§ 78B-15-621. Adjudication of parentage -- Dismissal for want of prosecution.
§ 78B-15-622. Order adjudicating parentage.
§ 78B-15-623. Binding effect of determination of parentage.