Part 4. Utah Health Care Malpractice Act  

§ 78B-3-401. Title.
§ 78B-3-402. Legislative findings and declarations -- Purpose of act.
§ 78B-3-403. Definitions.
§ 78B-3-404. Statute of limitations -- Exceptions -- Application.
§ 78B-3-405. Amount of award reduced by amounts of collateral sources available to plaintiff -- No reduction where subrogation right exists -- Collateral sources defined -- Procedure to preserve subrogation rights -- Evidence admissible -- Exceptions.
§ 78B-3-406. Failure to obtain informed consent -- Proof required of patient -- Defenses -- Consent to health care.
§ 78B-3-407. Limitation on actions against health care providers when parent or guardian refuses to consent to health care of child.
§ 78B-3-408. Writing required as basis for liability for breach of guarantee, warranty, contract, or assurance of result.
§ 78B-3-409. Ad damnum clause prohibited in complaint.
§ 78B-3-410. Limitation of award of noneconomic damages in malpractice actions.
§ 78B-3-411. Limitation on attorney's contingency fee in malpractice action.
§ 78B-3-412. Notice of intent to commence action.
§ 78B-3-413. Professional liability insurance coverage for providers -- Insurance commissioner may require joint underwriting authority.
§ 78B-3-414. Periodic payment of future damages in malpractice actions.
§ 78B-3-415. Actions under Utah Governmental Immunity Act.
§ 78B-3-416. Division to provide panel -- Exemption -- Procedures -- Statute of limitations tolled -- Composition of panel -- Expenses -- Division authorized to set license fees.
§ 78B-3-417. Proceedings -- Authority of panel -- Rights of parties to proceedings.
§ 78B-3-418. Decision and recommendations of panel -- No judicial or other review.
§ 78B-3-419. Evidence of proceedings not admissible in subsequent action -- Panelist may not be compelled to testify -- Immunity of panelist from civil liability -- Information regarding professional conduct.
§ 78B-3-420. Proceedings considered a binding arbitration hearing upon written agreement of parties -- Compensation to members of panel.
§ 78B-3-421. Arbitration agreements. (Effective 5/13/2014)
§ 78B-3-422. Evidence of disclosures -- Civil proceedings -- Unanticipated outcomes -- Medical care.
§ 78B-3-423. Affidavit of merit.
§ 78B-3-424. Limitation of liability for ostensible agent.
§ 78B-3-425. Prohibition on cause of action for negligent credentialing.