§ 79-2-401. Volunteer workers authorized.  

Latest version.
  • (1) The department and its divisions may use volunteer workers to supplement the salaried work force.
    (2) A volunteer may be reimbursed for expenses actually and necessarily incurred, including transportation, meals, lodging, uniforms, and other items as approved by the Division of Finance, in the amounts and in accordance with the rules of the Division of Finance.
    (3) A volunteer is considered an employee of the state for the purposes stated in Section 67-20-3.
    (4) A volunteer may not donate a service to the department or a division unless the work program in which the volunteer would serve has first been approved, in writing, by the executive director and the executive director of the Department of Human Resource Management.
    (5) Volunteer services shall comply with the rules adopted by the Department of Human Resource Management relating to the services that are not inconsistent with this section.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 344, 2009 General Session