§ 9-9-104. Duties and powers.  

Latest version.
  • (1) The division shall:
    (a) have all of the functions, powers, duties, rights, and responsibilities granted to it by this chapter;
    (b) staff those committees or boards as specified in this chapter; and
    (c) in accordance with policies set by state government, coordinate relations between:
    (i) the state;
    (ii) tribal governments;
    (iii) other Indian groups; and
    (iv) federal agencies.
    (2) The division may:
    (a) contract with public and private entities to provide services or facilities;
    (b) acquire and hold funds or other property for the administration of the programs outlined in this chapter;
    (c) make rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, that are necessary to carry out the duties of the division;
    (d) accept gifts, grants, devises, and property, in cash or in kind, for the benefit of Indians; and
    (e) apply or dispose of those gifts, grants, devises, and property received under Subsection (2)(d) for the use and benefit of Indians within the state.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session