§ 20A-2-301. County clerk responsibilities -- Voter registration forms.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Each county clerk shall provide book voter registration forms and by-mail voter registration forms for use in the voter registration process.
    (a) Each county clerk shall:
    (i) designate certain offices within the county to provide by-mail voter registration forms to the public; and
    (ii) provide by-mail voter registration forms to each public assistance agency and discretionary voter registration agency.
    (b) Each county clerk may provide copies of by-mail voter registration forms to public school districts and nonpublic schools as provided in Section 20A-2-302.
    (3) Each regular general election year, the county clerk shall provide by-mail voter registration forms to the political parties in a quantity requested by the political parties, as needed.
    (4) Candidates, parties, organizations, and interested persons may purchase by-mail voter registration forms from the county clerk or from the printer.
    (a) The clerk shall make book voter registration forms available to interested organizations in lots of 250, to be replaced when each lot of 200 is returned to the county clerk.
    (b) Interested organizations that receive book voter registration forms from the county clerk shall return them to the county clerk on or before the voter registration deadline.
    (6) The county clerk may not refuse to register any person to vote for failing to provide a telephone number on the voter registration form.
    (a) It is unlawful for any person to willfully fail or refuse to deliver completed voter registration forms, obtained as provided in this section, to the county clerk.
    (b) A person who violates this Subsection (7) is guilty of a class B misdemeanor.
Amended by Chapter 335, 2011 General Session